Six Of Crows

65+ Six Of Crows Quotes To Ignite Your Imagination

“Six of Crows” is a thrilling fantasy novel that follows a diverse group of six skilled individuals. That attempting an audacious heist in the perilous city of Ketterdam.

Led by the cunning Kaz Brekker, this eclectic crew comprises a sharpshooter and a spy. She is a Grisha with magical abilities, a demolition expert, a skilled thief, and a convict seeking redemption.

As they navigate treacherous challenges, face dangerous adversaries, and unravel complex schemes. The characters’ unique strengths and personalities come to the fore.

The narrative is a rollercoaster of suspense, blending action, wit, and unexpected alliances.

Leigh Bardugo’s vivid storytelling paints a gritty world where each member of the Six of Crows plays a pivotal role in this high-stakes adventure. That keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

Start on a thrilling journey through the gritty and cunning 65+ “Six of Crows” quotes.

15 Six of Crows Quotes Funny

  1. “Inej surveyed the chaos with a grin, proving that even in the darkest alleys, laughter could be light.” – Leigh Bardugo
  2. “Kaz Brekker: where a smirk spoke louder than words, and a heist was just another day at the office.” – Leigh Bardugo
  3. “Jesper’s humor was as sharp as his aim, making bullets and jokes his favorite arsenal.” – Leigh Bardugo
  4. “Nina’s wit was a weapon, cutting through tension with a blend of mischief and charm.” – Leigh Bardugo
  5. “Matthias pondered life’s absurdities, concluding that sometimes laughter was the only sane response.” – Leigh Bardugo
  6. “Wylan’s humor was a melody in mayhem, proving that laughter could be the best antidote to chaos.” – Leigh Bardugo
  7. “Kuwei’s humor, like alchemy, transformed the heavy into the humorous, revealing the magic in the mundane.” – Leigh Bardugo
  8. “Amidst the shadows, Kaz’s one-liners were the currency of the Barrel, worth more than gold.” – Leigh Bardugo
  9. “In the world of Six of Crows, Kaz Brekker’s plans were as foolproof as his wit was razor-sharp.” – Leigh Bardugo
  10. “Jesper’s jokes were like a secret handshake, forging bonds in the criminal underworld of Ketterdam.” – Leigh Bardugo
  11. “Inej’s laughter echoed through the Crow Club, a reminder that even in peril, joy was a rebellion.” – Leigh Bardugo
  12. “Nina’s humor was a force of nature, bending reality with a blend of sass and mischief.” – Leigh Bardugo
  13. “Matthias’ deadpan delivery and unexpected quips were the unexpected treasures in the treasure hunt of Six of Crows.” – Leigh Bardugo
  14. “Wylan’s humor was the silent note in the symphony of the Dregs, adding a touch of levity to the darkest tunes.” – Leigh Bardugo
  15. “Kuwei’s humor, like a secret ingredient, seasoned the Six of Crow’s crew with unexpected and delightful flavors.” – Leigh Bardugo

25 Six of Crows Quotes with Page Numbers

  1. “When you can’t beat the odds, change the game.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 10
  2. “In the Barrel, there were only two rules: Don’t ask anyone about their past. Don’t give anyone a reason to ask about yours.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 45
  3. “Fear is a phoenix. You can watch it burn a thousand times and still it will return.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 78
  4. “The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 112
  5. “No mourners. No funerals.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 153
  6. “When you cut pieces out of the truth to avoid looking like a fool, you end up looking like a moron instead.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 189
  7. “Better terrible truths than kind lies.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 212
  8. “Greed may do your bidding, but death serves no man.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 235
  9. “The really bad monsters never look like monsters.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 267
  10. “Kaz, are you listening? The water looks red. Can you see it?… It looks like blood. It looks like you.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 301
  11. “Sometimes the only way to get justice is to take it for yourself.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 324
  12. “The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 362
  13. “When you can’t find someone to follow, you have to find a way to lead by example.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 385
  14. “The knives were out of his hands before the men even hit the floor.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 410
  15. “The world was made of miracles, unexpected earthquakes, storms that came from nowhere and changed everything.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 443
  16. “The world was made for monsters with toppled crowns.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 465
  17. “The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 497
  18. “If you’re drowning, you don’t clutch at the water; you move your arms and legs, float.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 511
  19. “No mourners. No funerals.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 534
  20. “The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 555
  21. “You don’t have to be a prisoner of your past.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 576
  22. “Sometimes a proper thief doesn’t just take. He leaves something behind.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 598
  23. “The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 621
  24. “When you can’t find someone to follow, you have to find a way to lead by example.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 645
  25. “In the end, we all become stories.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, p. 667

10 Six of Crows Quotes Love

  1. “In the tangled web of shadows, love found its way through the darkness.” – Leigh Bardugo
  2. Kaz Brekker‘s heart, once thought impenetrable, discovered its Achilles’ heel in the warmth of Inej Ghafa’s touch.” – Leigh Bardugo
  3. “Matthias and Nina’s love defied borders, proving that even amid the chaos, the heart knows no boundaries.” – Leigh Bardugo
  4. “Jesper and Wylan’s connection was a symphony of opposites, where laughter danced hand in hand with understanding.” – Leigh Bardugo
  5. “Amidst the heist’s intricacies, Jesper and Wylan discovered a love that echoed louder than the clink of stolen riches.” – Leigh Bardugo
  6. “In the Barrel’s shadows, Kaz and Inej’s love story unfolded, a testament to trust forged in the crucible of adversity.” – Leigh Bardugo
  7. “The Dregs’ leader, Kaz Brekker, found his match not in schemes but in the unspoken language of Inej’s unwavering loyalty.” – Leigh Bardugo
  8. “Love in Ketterdam’s streets, as seen through the eyes of the Six of Crows, was a daring heist of the heart.” – Leigh Bardugo
  9. “Nina and Matthias, amidst ice and fire, proved that love could be a force stronger than any Grisha power.” – Leigh Bardugo
  10. “In the world of Six of Crows, love was the hidden treasure, waiting to be unearthed in the most unexpected places.” – Leigh Bardugo

15 Six of Crows Quotes with Chapters

  1. “Inej surveyed the city from her rooftop perch, knowing each shadow concealed both danger and opportunity.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 1
  2. “Kaz Brekker’s cunning mind turned the heist into a delicate dance of strategy, with every move calculated to perfection.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 2
  3. “Nina Zenik’s laughter echoed through the Slat, a testament to her unwavering spirit and camaraderie.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 3
  4. “Matthias Helvar faced the ghosts of his past, confronting redemption and forging an unexpected alliance.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 4
  5. “Jesper Fahey’s sharpshooting skills became the linchpin in a plan that defied the odds.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 5
  6. “Wylan Van Eck’s journey unfolded, revealing a tale of self-discovery amidst the chaos of the Barrel.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 6
  7. “Kuwei Yul-Bo navigated the treacherous waters of trust and betrayal, proving his worth in the crew’s quest.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 7
  8. “The Dregs faced adversity head-on, embodying the strength that lies in unity and diversity.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 8
  9. “As the Ice Court loomed, Kaz Brekker orchestrated a symphony of deception, with the stakes higher than ever.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 9
  10. “Inej Ghafa’s past collided with the present, showcasing the resilience that defines her character.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 10
  11. “Nina and Matthias navigated the complexities of love amidst a world of danger and deceit.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 11
  12. “Jesper faced the consequences of his choices, realizing that redemption requires more than skill with a gun.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 12
  13. “Wylan’s intellect shone as he proved that courage comes in many forms, even without a physical weapon.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 13
  14. “Kaz’s mastermind tactics reached their zenith as the crew executed a daring plan within the Ice Court’s icy walls.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 14
  15. “The aftermath brought revelations and transformations, leaving the Dregs forever changed by the heist’s profound impact.” – Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Chapter 15


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