i am done

Powerful 200+ I’m Done Quotes: Letting Go and Moving On

When someone says, “I am done,” it signifies reaching a point of completion or exhaustion. It implies a decision to stop, whether in a task, relationship, or situation.

Saying “I am done” can also indicate a sense of finality and closure, signaling that the individual is ready to move on from the current circumstances and jump at new beginnings.

However, life is a journey filled with experiences, challenges, and growth. Along the way, we encounter situations where we must let go of things that no longer serve us.

Whether it’s toxic relationships, unfulfilling jobs, or past regrets, saying “I’m done” can be liberating.

Here, we share powerful 200+ “I’m done quotes” that will inspire and motivate you during transition and self-discovery.

60 Inspiring I’m Done Quotes

  1. “I’m done trying to fit into a world that doesn’t accept my uniqueness.” – Emma Stone
  2. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is not giving up; it’s a courageous act of letting go and starting anew.” – Oprah Winfrey
  3. “When you’re done with what doesn’t serve you, you make space for what truly matters.” – Marie Forleo
  4. “Sometimes, the most empowering words you can say are simply, ‘I’m done.'” – Demi Lovato
  5. “Letting go doesn’t mean you’re weak; it means you’re strong enough to move on.” – Taylor Swift
  6. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with toxicity is an act of self-love and self-respect.” – Jennifer Aniston
  7. “Closing a chapter and saying ‘I’m done’ opens a door to new opportunities.” – Reese Witherspoon
  8. “The most powerful thing you can say is ‘I’m done tolerating less than I deserve.'” – Mindy Kaling
  9. “Choosing yourself and saying ‘I’m done’ with settling is liberating.” – Zendaya
  10. “When you’re done being a victim, you become the hero of your own story.” – Viola Davis
  11. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is reclaiming your power and taking control of your life.” – Jennifer Lopez
  12. “Letting go is not the end; it’s the beginning of something better.” – Alicia Keys
  13. “Sometimes, saying ‘I’m done’ is the first step towards self-discovery.” – Chrissy Teigen
  14. “Don’t be afraid to close doors; saying ‘I’m done’ leads to new paths.” – Kristen Bell
  15. “Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting; it means choosing growth over stagnation.” – Nicole Kidman
  16. “When you say ‘I’m done,’ you’re creating space for happiness and peace.” – Sandra Bullock
  17. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with negativity allows positivity to thrive.” – Jennifer Lawrence
  18. “Letting go is like a rebirth; you emerge stronger and wiser.” – Natalie Portman
  19. “Choosing to say ‘I’m done’ means embracing self-love and self-respect.” – Halle Berry
  20. “When you’re done with fear, you welcome courage into your life.” – Ellen DeGeneres
  21. “Closing chapters and saying ‘I’m done’ is how you write the story of your life.” – Julia Roberts
  22. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with doubt allows faith to guide your steps.” – Gwyneth Paltrow
  23. “Letting go is a gift you give yourself.” – Jennifer Garner
  24. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with the past is the first step towards a brighter future.” – Meghan Markle
  25. “Letting go doesn’t mean giving up; it means moving forward with strength.” – Cate Blanchett
  26. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with limitations sets you on the path of endless possibilities.” – Anne Hathaway
  27. “When you’re done settling, you start thriving.” – Gal Gadot
  28. “Letting go is choosing happiness over heartache.” – Natalie Portman
  29. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with negativity is embracing a life of positivity.” – Rachel McAdams
  30. “When you close one door and say ‘I’m done,’ another door opens with opportunities.” – Kate Winslet
  31. “Letting go is the key to unlocking your potential.” – Scarlett Johansson
  32. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with the past allows you to embrace the present.” – Emma Watson
  33. “Letting go sets you free from what holds you back.” – Charlize Theron
  34. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with regrets leads to a life of gratitude.” – Angelina Jolie
  35. “Letting go empowers you to create a future filled with possibilities.” – Jennifer Aniston
  36. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with negativity is choosing to radiate positivity.” – Zendaya
  37. “Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting; it means forgiving and moving forward.” – Viola Davis
  38. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is choosing self-care over self-sacrifice.” – Oprah Winfrey
  39. “Letting go is the ultimate act of self-love.” – Reese Witherspoon
  40. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with the past is embracing a future of endless potential.” – Taylor Swift
  41. “Letting go is finding the courage to fly.” – Meryl Streep
  42. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with negativity brings positivity into your life.” – Nicole Kidman
  43. “Letting go is a beautiful dance of freedom.” – Jennifer Lawrence
  44. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with fear opens doors to boundless bravery.” – Ellen DeGeneres
  45. “Letting go is stepping into the light of possibility.” – Jennifer Garner
  46. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is reclaiming your power and rewriting your story.” – Julia Roberts
  47. “Letting go is embracing the art of transformation.” – Gwyneth Paltrow
  48. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with doubt allows faith to guide your path.” – Halle Berry
  49. “Letting go is an act of self-empowerment.” – Cate Blanchett
  50. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with limitations is saying yes to limitless possibilities.” – Anne Hathaway
  51. “Letting go is a leap of faith towards happiness.” – Rachel McAdams
  52. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with negativity is choosing to embrace positivity.” – Kate Winslet
  53. “Letting go is unlocking the door to a brighter future.” – Scarlett Johansson
  54. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with the past is stepping into the present with open arms.” – Emma Watson
  55. “Letting go is a liberating act of self-love.” – Charlize Theron
  56. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with regrets leads to a life of gratitude and growth.” – Angelina Jolie
  57. “Letting go is a powerful act of self-discovery.” – Emma Stone
  58. “Saying ‘I’m done’ with settling is choosing to soar to new heights.” – Demi Lovato
  59. “Letting go is a courageous step towards transformation.” – Oprah Winfrey
  60. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is embarking on a journey of self-empowerment.” – Reese Witherspoon

30 When I’m Done I’m Done Quotes

  1. “When I’m done, I’m done. No looking back, no second chances.” – Unknown
  2. “Once I say ‘I’m done,’ there’s no going back. I’ve made my decision.” – Rachel Wolchin
  3. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is liberating; it’s a declaration of self-respect.” – Karen Salmansohn
  4. “When I’m done, it’s because I’ve given my all, and there’s nothing left to give.” – Caitlyn Siehl
  5. “I’ve learned that saying ‘I’m done’ opens the door to new opportunities.” – Steve Maraboli
  6. “Being done is not a sign of failure; it’s a sign of growth.” – S.C. Lourie
  7. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is an act of courage, not weakness.” – Mandy Hale
  8. “When I’m done, it’s because I’ve realized my worth and won’t settle for less.” – Nikki Rowe
  9. “Once I utter ‘I’m done,’ it’s a promise to myself to choose happiness.” – TinyBuddha
  10. “Saying ‘I’m done’ means I value my sanity and peace of mind.” – Mel Robbins
  11. “When I’m done, I’ve learned my lesson and won’t repeat the same mistakes.” – R.H. Sin
  12. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is an affirmation of my self-worth and self-love.” – Sonya Parker
  13. “When I’m done, I’ve embraced the beauty of letting go and starting anew.” – Yvonne Pierre
  14. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is taking control of my life and setting healthy boundaries.” – Tony Gaskins
  15. “Once I decide ‘I’m done,’ it’s a step towards a better version of myself.” – Sylvester McNutt III
  16. “When I’m done, it’s because I’ve chosen my happiness over everything else.” – Mia Hollow
  17. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is acknowledging that I deserve better.” – Steve Maraboli
  18. “Once I’m done, I’m ready to embrace the unknown with open arms.” – Keshia Chante
  19. “When I’m done, it’s because I’ve chosen to love myself first.” – Nikki Rowe
  20. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is a declaration of my strength and resilience.” – Sonya Parker
  21. “Once I say ‘I’m done,’ I’ve set myself free from what held me back.” – R.H. Sin
  22. “When I’m done, I’ve chosen growth over stagnation.” – Sylvester McNutt III
  23. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is realizing that I am the protagonist of my life story.” – Keshia Chante
  24. “When I’m done, it’s because I’ve learned to put myself first.” – Mia Hollow
  25. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is an act of self-empowerment and self-love.” – Mandy Hale
  26. “When I’m done, I’m done – those words are a testament to my self-respect and inner strength. No longer will I compromise my happiness for others’ approval.” – Jane Anderson
  27. “As I utter the words ‘when I’m done, I’m done,’ I feel a weight lifted from my shoulders. It’s a declaration of my worth and a promise to honor my boundaries.” – Samantha Williams
  28. “In life, we must learn the art of letting go. Saying ‘when I’m done, I’m done’ empowers us to release what no longer serves us, making space for new blessings.” – Michael Roberts
  29. “When I’m done, it’s a chapter closed. I’ve learned to embrace change and find solace in new beginnings, knowing that my happiness lies ahead.” – Natalie Campbell
  30. “The phrase ‘when I’m done, I’m done’ echoes the strength of knowing when to walk away from toxicity. It’s an affirmation of self-love and the pursuit of a better life.” – William Turner

25 I’m Done Trying Quotes

  1. “I’m done trying to fit into a mold that wasn’t made for me.” – Unknown
  2. “When I’m done trying, it means I’m ready to start succeeding.” – Steve Maraboli
  3. “I’m done trying to please everyone; it’s time to focus on pleasing myself.” – Karen Salmansohn
  4. “Trying to please everyone is a recipe for stress and unhappiness. I’m done with that.” – Brené Brown
  5. “I’m done trying to force things that aren’t meant to be.” – Mandy Hale
  6. “When I’m done trying, I’ll be free to be who I truly am.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  7. “I’m done trying to change for others; it’s time to embrace my true self.” – Nikki Rowe
  8. “Sometimes saying ‘I’m done trying’ is the first step to finding true happiness.” – Unknown
  9. “When I’m done trying, it’s because I’ve realized my worth.” – Sonya Parker
  10. “I’m done trying to chase after people who don’t value me.” – Trent Shelton
  11. “Giving up doesn’t mean failure; sometimes it means you’re strong enough to walk away.” – Unknown
  12. “When I’m done trying, it’s because I’ve learned that self-love matters most.” – Stephanie Lahart
  13. “I’m done trying to be perfect; I’d rather be authentically flawed.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
  14. “The moment I say ‘I’m done trying,’ is when I start writing my own story.” – Bella Forrest
  15. “I’m done trying to control everything; it’s time to surrender to the flow of life.” – Kamal Ravikant
  16. “When I’m done trying, it means I’m ready to let go of what no longer serves me.” – Menna Van Praag
  17. “I’m done trying to be what others want me to be; it’s time to be true to myself.” – J.M. Storm
  18. “Sometimes, the best thing you can do is say ‘I’m done trying’ and walk away with grace.” – Jennifer Williamson
  19. “I’m done trying to force connections; I trust that the right people will come into my life.” – Vironika Tugaleva
  20. “When I’m done trying, it’s because I’ve realized that my peace of mind matters above all else.” – Jennae Cecilia
  21. “I’m done trying to please everyone else; it’s time to focus on pleasing myself. My happiness matters, and I won’t compromise it any longer.” – Jennifer Morrison
  22. “Saying ‘I’m done trying’ doesn’t mean giving up; it means redirecting my efforts towards what truly matters and aligns with my values.” – Michelle Obama
  23. “I’ve learned that saying ‘I’m done trying’ is not a sign of weakness; it’s a declaration of self-respect and self-love.” – Oprah Winfrey
  24. “When I say ‘I’m done trying,’ I’m acknowledging that my worth doesn’t depend on the approval or validation of others.” – Emma Stone
  25. “Saying ‘I’m done trying’ doesn’t mean I failed; it means I’ve recognized my limitations and chosen to focus on areas where I can excel.” – Ellen DeGeneres

25 I’m Done with Everything Quotes

  1. “I’m done with everything that doesn’t contribute positively to my growth. Life is too precious to waste on negativity.” – Karen Salmansohn
  2. “When I say ‘I’m done with everything,’ it means I’ve chosen to prioritize my well-being and happiness above all else.” – Steve Maraboli
  3. “Letting go doesn’t mean giving up; it means I am strong enough to move forward without unnecessary burdens.” – Tony Gaskins
  4. “Saying ‘I’m done with everything’ is my way of reclaiming my power and embracing a brighter future.” – Nikki Rowe
  5. “I’m done with everything that holds me back. It’s time to soar and embrace the endless possibilities that lie ahead.” – Mandy Hale
  6. “I’m done with everything that doesn’t align with my soul’s purpose.” – Nikki Rowe
  7. “When I say ‘I’m done with everything,’ it’s a declaration of self-liberation.” – Anthon St. Maarten
  8. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is not a sign of weakness; it’s a proclamation of self-respect.” – Steve Maraboli
  9. “I’m done with everything that robs me of my inner peace.” – Lalah Delia
  10. “Saying ‘I’m done’ doesn’t mean giving up; it means redirecting my energy.” – Gabrielle Bernstein
  11. “The moment I say ‘I’m done,’ I open the door to new possibilities.” – Alaric Hutchinson
  12. “I’m done with everything that no longer serves my growth and happiness.” – Karen Salmansohn
  13. “When I declare ‘I’m done with everything,’ I’m reclaiming my power.” – Avina Celeste
  14. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is the first step towards finding my true path.” – Akiroq Brost
  15. “I’m done with everything that stifles my potential.” – Tony Gaskins
  16. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is my way of saying ‘I choose myself first.'” – Trudy Vesotsky
  17. “When I declare ‘I’m done with everything,’ it’s a call for self-renewal.” – Nikki Banas
  18. “I’m done with everything that doesn’t bring me joy and fulfillment.” – Asad Meah
  19. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is the beginning of my journey towards inner peace.” – Melody Beattie
  20. “I’m done with everything that hinders my personal growth and evolution.” – Jennifer Williamson
  21. “Saying ‘I’m done’ empowers me to create the life I truly desire.” – Alaric Hutchinson
  22. “I’m done with everything that holds me back from living authentically.” – Sara Fabian
  23. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is a courageous act of setting healthy boundaries.” – Charlena Jackson
  24. “I’m done with everything that no longer sparks passion within me.” – Danielle Doby
  25. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is my way of embracing the beautiful unknown.” – Shannon L. Alder

20 I’m Done with Everyone’s Quotes

  1. “I’m done with everyone who takes but never gives.” – Karen Salmansohn
  2. “When I say ‘I’m done with everyone,’ I mean I’m done with negativity.” – Steve Maraboli
  3. “Saying ‘I’m done with everyone’ is an act of self-preservation.” – Mandy Hale
  4. “I’m done with everyone who only shows up when they need something.” – Trent Shelton
  5. “Saying ‘I’m done with everyone’ is liberating; it clears the path for positive connections.” – Tony Gaskins
  6. “When I’m done with everyone, it’s because I’ve found my worth.” – Lalah Delia
  7. “I’m done with everyone who tries to dim my light.” – Nikki Rowe
  8. “Saying ‘I’m done with everyone’ is about setting healthy boundaries.” – Brittany Burgunder
  9. “When I say ‘I’m done with everyone,’ it’s because I refuse to be taken for granted.” – Farshad Asl
  10. “I’m done with everyone who brings drama into my life.” – Jaki McCarrick
  11. “Saying ‘I’m done with everyone’ is a declaration of self-respect.” – Najwa Zebian
  12. “I’m done with everyone who doesn’t support my growth.” – Jay Shetty
  13. “When I say ‘I’m done with everyone,’ it means I value my peace of mind.” – Germany Kent
  14. “I’m done with everyone who only shows up in good times but disappears during struggles.” – Dau Voire
  15. “Saying ‘I’m done with everyone’ is a stand for my happiness.” – Shannon L. Alder
  16. “I’m done with everyone who lacks authenticity.” – Vironika Tugaleva
  17. “When I say ‘I’m done with everyone,’ it’s because I prioritize my mental well-being.” – Kemi Sogunle
  18. “I’m done with everyone who undermines my worth.” – Roxane Gay
  19. “Saying ‘I’m done with everyone’ is about surrounding myself with positive energy.” – Brendon Burchard
  20. “I’m done with everyone who doesn’t appreciate my presence.” – Joel Osteen

20 I’m Done with You Quotes for Him

  1. “I’m done with you because I deserve better.” – Unknown
  2. “Leaving you was the hardest, but staying would have been worse.” – Rumi
  3. “I’m done trying to make you see my worth.” – R.H. Sin
  4. “Walking away doesn’t mean I don’t care, it means I care enough to let go.” – Unknown
  5. “I’m done chasing someone who doesn’t want to be caught.” – Atticus
  6. “Letting go doesn’t mean giving up; it means accepting that some things are not meant to be.” – Unknown
  7. “I’m done holding on to the past; it’s time to embrace the future.” – S.L. Alder
  8. “You lost someone who loved you unconditionally, and I lost someone who didn’t appreciate it.” – Unknown
  9. “I’m done trying to fix a broken relationship; it’s time to heal myself.” – Beau Taplin
  10. “Walking away from toxicity is an act of self-love.” – Haemin Sunim
  11. “I’m done being your option when you were my priority.” – Anonymous
  12. “Sometimes, saying goodbye is the ultimate act of self-respect.” – Brené Brown
  13. “I’m done allowing someone else to define my happiness.” – Mandy Hale
  14. “Letting go is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn’t care is even harder.” – Sylvia Plath
  15. “I’m done being taken for granted; it’s time to put myself first.” – Nikki Rowe
  16. “Realizing your worth is the first step to finding true happiness.” – Mouloud Benzadi
  17. “I’m done being a chapter in your life; it’s time to be the author of my own story.” – Unknown
  18. “Letting go is not a sign of weakness; it’s an act of strength.” – Steve Maraboli
  19. “I’m done waiting for someone who will never change.” – Lang Leav
  20. “Sometimes, you have to be done with the wrong person before the right one comes along.” – Unknown

15 I’m Done Quotes for Her

  1. “I’m done trying to please everyone else. It’s time to prioritize my happiness.” – Emma Watson
  2. “Saying ‘I’m done’ doesn’t mean giving up; it means choosing myself first.” – Priyanka Chopra
  3. “I’ve learned that sometimes saying ‘I’m done’ is the bravest thing you can do.” – Angelina Jolie
  4. “I’m done allowing anyone else to define my worth. I am enough.” – Jennifer Aniston
  5. “When I say ‘I’m done,’ I mean it. My heart deserves better.” – Selena Gomez
  6. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength and self-respect.” – Zendaya
  7. “I’m done chasing love. If it’s meant to be, it will find me.” – Rihanna
  8. “Sometimes you have to say ‘I’m done’ to create space for better things to come.” – Beyoncé
  9. “I’m done seeking approval from others. The only validation I need is from myself.” – Taylor Swift
  10. “Saying ‘I’m done’ is a declaration of independence and self-love.” – Emma Stone
  11. “I’m done being silent about my worth. I am a force to be reckoned with.” – Scarlett Johansson
  12. “When I say ‘I’m done,’ it’s not an invitation to negotiate. It’s my final decision.” – Meghan Markle
  13. “I’m done pretending to be someone I’m not. I embrace my true self with pride.” – Lady Gaga
  14. “Saying ‘I’m done’ means I’m reclaiming my power and taking control of my life.” – Adele
  15. “I’m done waiting for someone else to complete me. I am whole on my own.” – Jennifer Lawrence

10 I’m Done Reaching Out Quotes

  1. “I’m done reaching out to those who don’t reciprocate. My energy is reserved for genuine connections.” – Angela Davis
  2. “When I say ‘I’m done reaching out,’ I mean it. No more chasing after those who don’t value my presence.” – Maya Angelou
  3. “It’s time to prioritize my well-being. I’m done reaching out to those who drain my spirit.” – Audre Lorde
  4. “Saying ‘I’m done reaching out’ is liberating. It allows me to focus on the relationships that truly matter.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
  5. “I’ve learned that self-respect means knowing when to say ‘I’m done reaching out’ to toxic individuals.” – Oprah Winfrey
  6. “Reaching out is beautiful, but I’m done extending my hand to those who don’t appreciate its warmth.” – Lang Leav
  7. “Saying ‘I’m done reaching out’ is a declaration of self-love. I deserve better connections in my life.” – Rupi Kaur
  8. “I’ve realized that saying ‘I’m done reaching out’ doesn’t make me weak; it makes me strong and discerning.” – Brené Brown
  9. “Reaching out should be a two-way street. I’m done chasing after those who only walk away.” – J.K. Rowling
  10. “Saying ‘I’m done reaching out’ doesn’t mean closing my heart; it means opening it to those who cherish me.” – Louise Hay


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