Three Girls They Don't Hold Grudges

60 Inspiring I Don’t Hold Grudges Quotes (Forgiveness & Freedom)

Not holding grudges means you do not harbor resentment or bitterness towards someone for something they did in the past.

It indicates that you can let go of negative emotions and forgive. Even if you were wronged or hurt by someone’s actions.

Instead of holding onto negative feelings, you move forward and maintain a more positive and open attitude toward that person or situation.

This can lead to better mental and emotional well-being and healthier relationships with others. The decision to let go of grudges is a profound act of self-care and personal growth.

These 60 “I don’t hold grudges” quotes offer guidance and inspiration. These quotes release on a journey of forgiveness, liberation, and emotional well-being.

30 I Don’t Hold Grudges Quotes – Letting Go and Moving Forward

  1. “I don’t hold grudges; life’s too short to waste on bitterness.” – Oprah Winfrey
  2. “Forgiveness is the path to liberation. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my freedom.” – Desmond Tutu
  3. “Letting go of resentment is my strength. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my peace.” – Lao Tzu
  4. “In forgiveness, I find my true power. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my empowerment.” – Brene Brown
  5. “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was me. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my liberation.” – Lewis B. Smedes
  6. “Resentment is heavy baggage. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my lightness.” – Eckhart Tolle
  7. “Forgiving others is an act of self-love. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my heart’s purity.” – Don Miguel Ruiz
  8. “Life becomes lighter when you let go of grudges. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my joy.” – Dalai Lama
  9. “Forgiveness is the key to inner peace. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my serenity.” – Louise Hay
  10. “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my health.” – Nelson Mandela
  11. “Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my grace.” – Mark Twain
  12. “To let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the clingings and disappointments of the past. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my liberation.” – Jack Kornfield
  13. “Holding onto resentment is a burden I choose not to bear. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my lightness of being.” – Wayne Dyer
  14. “Forgiveness is a gift I give to myself. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my self-care.” – Louise L. Hay
  15. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my strength.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  16. “In releasing resentment, I embrace my freedom. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my liberation.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
  17. “Forgiveness is the bridge to a new beginning. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my fresh start.” – Maya Angelou
  18. “To forgive is to set myself free from pain. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my healing.” – Deepak Chopra
  19. “Holding onto the past keeps me from embracing the present. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my mindfulness.” – Eckhart Tolle
  20. “Forgiveness is an act of self-respect. I don’t hold grudges; I hold onto my dignity.” – Desmond Tutu
  21. “In the journey of life, I’ve learned that holding grudges only burdens the heart and soul. So, I choose to let go, forgive, and embrace the light of healing.” Serena Williams
  22. “Forgiveness is a gift I give myself. I refuse to let resentment poison my spirit. Instead, I rise above and choose to love.” Oprah Winfrey
  23. “The art of not holding grudges is a masterpiece of emotional intelligence. It takes strength to release the weight of past wrongs and find freedom in forgiveness.” Daniel Goleman
  24. “Life’s too short to carry the heavy baggage of resentment. I believe in second chances, in growth, and in the power of moving forward with a heart unburdened.” Michelle Obama
  25. “Bitterness fades when we choose to replace it with compassion. Holding grudges keeps us stuck; forgiveness propels us towards a brighter future.” Desmond Tutu
  26. “Resilience blooms when we choose understanding over anger, empathy over bitterness. I’ve found that the path of not holding grudges is a road to personal empowerment.” Brene Brown
  27. “Time is a precious resource, and I won’t waste it on nursing grudges. Life is too dynamic to be hindered by yesterday’s troubles.” Malala Yousafzai
  28. “In the grand symphony of life, forgiveness is the sweetest melody. I refuse to let the dissonance of grudges disrupt the harmony of my existence.” Deepak Chopra
  29. “Letting go of grudges is a conscious choice, a step towards emotional liberation. I’ve found that the path to inner peace is paved with forgiveness.” Dalai Lama
  30. “Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting; it means freeing ourselves from the chains of resentment. I’ve chosen the empowering journey of not holding grudges.” Maya Angelou

30 I Don’t Hold Grudges We Good Quotes

  1. “I don’t hold grudges; life’s too short for that nonsense.” – Dwayne Johnson
  2. “In my book, forgiveness is the key; I don’t hold grudges.” – Sarah Jessica Parker
  3. “We good, because I choose not to hold onto negativity.” – Will Smith
  4. “Harboring resentment? Nah, I don’t hold grudges.” – Jennifer Aniston
  5. “Letting go is my strength; I don’t hold grudges.” – Tom Hanks
  6. “Life’s brighter when we’re all good; I don’t hold grudges.” – Ellen DeGeneres
  7. “Forgiveness is my mantra; I don’t hold grudges.” – Oprah Winfrey
  8. “Time’s too precious to waste on grudges; we good.” – Denzel Washington
  9. “Peace over conflict; I don’t hold grudges.” – Reese Witherspoon
  10. “I’m all about positive vibes; we good.” – Ryan Reynolds
  11. “Love and light; I don’t hold grudges.” – Beyoncé Knowles
  12. “Life’s too short for resentment; we good.” – George Clooney
  13. “Forgiveness is my compass; I don’t hold grudges.” – Michelle Obama
  14. “No room for grudges in my heart; we good.” – Chris Hemsworth
  15. “I choose freedom over bitterness; I don’t hold grudges.” – Emma Watson
  16. “Letting go is my strength; we good.” – Matthew McConaughey
  17. “Positivity is my power; I don’t hold grudges.” – Zendaya
  18. “Resilience over resentment; we good.” – Keanu Reeves
  19. “Forgiving and thriving; I don’t hold grudges.” – Viola Davis
  20. “Life’s a journey of love, not grudges; we good.” – Hugh Jackman
  21. “In the realm of the heart, I firmly believe in one principle: I don’t hold grudges; we’re good. Life is too short to carry the burden of resentment.” — Maya Angelou
  22. “Resentment shackles the spirit, but I choose to break free. My mantra is simple: I don’t hold grudges; we’re good.” — Oprah Winfrey
  23. Forgiveness is my strength, and letting go is my liberation. Remember, I don’t hold grudges; we’re good.” — Dalai Lama
  24. “In the symphony of life, harmony is paramount. I play my part by embracing this truth: I don’t hold grudges; we’re good.” — Michelle Obama
  25. “The past may whisper, but I am rooted in the present. I declare it loud and clear: I don’t hold grudges; we’re good.” — Malala Yousafzai
  26. “A heart burdened by grudges cannot fully soar. Mine is unburdened, for I declare with conviction: I don’t hold grudges; we’re good.” — Desmond Tutu
  27. “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was me. I’ve unlocked my cell, for I don’t hold grudges; we’re good.” — Lewis B. Smedes
  28. “The past is a stepping stone, not a stumbling block. I tread lightly, knowing this truth: I don’t hold grudges; we’re good.” — Ellen DeGeneres
  29. “In the theater of life, compassion takes center stage. With empathy in my heart, I affirm: I don’t hold grudges; we’re good.” — Deepak Chopra
  30. “My soul is cleansed by the river of forgiveness. Its current carries this message: I don’t hold grudges; we’re good.” — Nelson Mandela


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